Bowen Multicultural Festival

The Bowen Multicultural Festival is a chance for all of the families at Bowen to gather and share food, art, fashion and information about the many cultures represented in our student body.

Picture our school, dressed up with all the colors and fabrics and scents of the world!
– A “photo booth” where people can have their picture taken in a Saree
– An origami station where people can learn to make a simple creation
– A Chinese Zodiac station where people can lean what animal they are and take home a sticker
– A delicious falafel station where people can experience the deliciousness of this fried treat
– Do YOU have any ideas?

In order to make this fabulous day happen, we need AT LEAST one volunteer per ‘country/region’ (preferably two).

Each volunteer will be responsible for the following:

  • Working with the PTO board to gather volunteers who will contribute to your display
  • Obtaining and bringing to school the items for your display (Food, garments, artwork, educational material, any other relevant materials)
  • Working with the PTO board to set up and run the event

If you are interested in volunteering, please visit this link to provide your information and the PTO Secretary will reach out to you.